Sean is a renowned and sought after corporate event host. His ability to entertain, motivate and organise make him the ideal candidate for your specific needs and events. As an MC Sean is able to multi-task and run Q&A sessions with a range of well known celebrities plus he is an accomplished auctioneer.


Sean’s inspirational style and innovative presentation skills make for a conducive learning environment. As a practicing professional coach of over 20 years, media award winner and company Director, Sean can help you develop YOUR team.

Sean’s experiences in World Rugby, the Media and the Business community provide him with the opportunity to deliver on a diverse range of topics. The transferrable nature of the principles and values of the Sport and Media world make Sean the ideal speaker for your training and CPD requirements.

From keynote speeches, public addresses to award ceremonies, club presentations to charity events, Sean’s ability to communicate the right messages has helped him develop a successful career. A mixture of funny anecdotes, fascinating insight and often rhyme and song provides his audience with a unique experience.


“His experience of rugby and teamwork at the highest level was very much relevant to our challenges of getting talented people to work together. We would certainly use Sean again in this role”

Ian Mean, Editor in Chief of Gloucestershire Media, part of the Daly Mail Group


“We had a range of speakers over two days – Sean’s presentation was viewed as the most inspirational and powerful performance of all”.

Blance Sainsbury, Managing Director – SWW Media